【创源大讲堂】On strongly convex functions and related classes of functions
报告人:KazimierzNikodem教授 (Bielsko-Biala大学)
报告题目:On strongly convex functions and related classes of functions(强凸函数及其相关函数类)
Strongly convex functions are useful in optimization theory and mathematical economics. Many properties and applications of them can be found in the literature. In my talksome results on strongly convex functions and other related classes of functions obtainedby the author with co-authors in the last few years are presented. In particular, discrete and integral Jensen-type inequalities and Hermite{Hadamard{type inequalities for strongly convex functions are obtained. Counterparts of the classical Bernstain{Doetschand Sierpi_nski theorems for strongly midconvex functions are given. New characterizations of inner product spaces involving strong convexity are obtained. Some results onstrongly Wright-convex functions are presented. Strongly n-convex and Jensen n-convexfunctions are investigated. Finally, a relationship between strong convexity and generalized convexity in the sense of Beckenbach is established.
KazimierzNikodem教授,1977年获得西里西亚大学数学硕士学位;1981年获得西里西亚大学数学博士学位;2001年被评为正教授。现任Bielsko-Biala大学副校长,分管科研和财务。他是迭代理论与动力系统领域国际知名专家,是波兰Kuczma学派的活跃人物,在凸分析、泛函方程和不等式、集值函数等方面做出了非常有影响的工作,分别在J. Convex Anal.,Proc. Amer. Math. Soc.,J. Global Optim., Banach J. Math. Anal., Nonlinear Anal., J. Math. Anal. Appl., Aequationes Math.等国际重要刊物发表学术论文80余篇。参加超过90场国内外国际讨论会会议,指导完成3篇博士论文。