题目:A Parabolic System of Aggregation Formation in Bacterial Colonies
报告人:Zhaosheng Feng(Chair Professor at the University of Texas-RGV)
讲座时间:2023.12.7(星期四) 15:30—16:30
主讲人简介:Zhaosheng Feng, Carlos and Stephanie Manrique de Lara Endowed Chair Professor at the University of Texas-RGV. His research interests lie in nonlinear analysis, dynamical systems, computational methods and simulations, mathematical physics, and population dynamics etc.
The goal of this talk is to study a fourth-order nonlinear parabolic system with dispersion for describing bacterial aggregation. It shows that unlike the model without dispersion, a bacterial cluster can move, which allows us to consider dispersion as some kind of control for bacterial colony. Analytical solution of traveling wave is found by taking into account the dispersion coefficient. Numerically, we demonstrate that the initial concentration of bacteria in the form of a random distribution over time transforms into a periodic wave, followed by a transition to a stationary solitary wave without dispersion.